Registration for Winter sports 2024/25 is now open. We need to manually clear each student, so the sooner you complete this the better. We will clear anyone who submits prior to Nov 1. Anyone submitting after Nov 1 will be cleared as quickly as possible. Tryout dates are listed under the tryout tab. The parent meeting is presented digitally and is available on the 'Parent Meeting' page. Please watch the video, and sign the appropriate form on the Athletic Clearance site. Questions? Email
How to register and clear your student-athlete
1. Go to (Or click Athletic Clearance button on the Home page). If you do not have an account, please click register. If you have an account, please log in. If you forgot your password, click forgot password.
2. Fill in your name, username and password you prefer. It sends an email verification to the email address you use, so you have to go into your personal email and click on the link that is sent to you from (If you can not find it, check your spam or junk mail)
3. Type in Carlsbad, Choose year 2024-25 and Sport, and click submit. Here is a video link if you need it.
4. Here you will see the 7 step process.
Step 1: Student Information.
Step 2: Parent Information:
Step 3: Medical History. Please take the time to fill this out. This will be your students emergency cards that are printed for our coaches to take with them on away games. In case of an emergency, the coach will get your child’s emergency card to give to the paramedics with any information that they need to know.
Step 4: Additional Questions
Step 5: Signature Forms. Please read through the forms that you will sign. This is very important information that you NEED to know. You can also download these forms so you can read them when you have more time. (Please make sure parent signature is from parent, and student signatures is students signatures)
Step 6: Upload files
Step 7: Confirmation Page
5. You then will get an email that explains that you have REGISTERED your child and will receive a CLEARED email once cleared. You do not need to print anything, you child’s name will be on the roster for the coach for tryouts.
6. As part of the registration process, please view the parent meeting located on the 'Parent Meeting' tab and sign the appropriate form on the Athletic Clearance site.
*Please email me with any questions you may have: